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Anal Glands

Impacted and smelly, anal glands are seen on a near daily basis by your Veterinarian.

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Anxiety in Dogs and Cats

Anxiety is defined as ‘the apprehensive anticipation of a perceived future threat or danger’.

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Cat Stress

Under Pressure There are many reasons why our feline friends can be stressed, anxious or unhappy; and it can often be a combination of multiple factors.

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Canine Arthritis

Osteoarthritis is not just a winter problem!

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Common Toxins and Poisons

Just like us, animals can be allergic to different products, however, there are some common chemicals and products that are toxic or poisonous to our beloved pets.

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Dealing with Injured Wildlife

Spring is afoot with the birds chirping and bees buzzing.

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Dog Dementia

Why has my pet started pacing at night and not sleeping when they’re meant to?Has my pet lost its hearing?

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Dominance in Dogs: What is the real truth?

For a long time it has been thought that domestic dogs naturally try to become ‘dominant’.

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When our animals are left at home by themselves all day without stimulation, it can lead to boredom, under stimulation and problem behaviours such as digging, barking and destructive behaviours.

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Feeding Your Pet

As an owner, we are able to dictate the majority of our pet’s diet.

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Feline Arthritis

Arthritis occurs in approximately 90% of cats over 12 years old and sadly just 7% are treated.

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Fleas and Intestinal Worms

What are fleas?

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Heart Disease in Dogs and Cats

How does the heart work?

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Heartworm Disease

Heartworm is a parasitic disease of the dog whereby quite simply worms live in your dog’s heart, causing heart failure!

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Kitten Proofing the House

So, you’ve decided to get a new kitten!

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Losing Your Best Friend

You can never really imagine that you are going to lose your special friend one day.

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Medicating Your Pet

Have you ever had trouble medicating your pet??

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As owners, we are responsible to ensure we feed our beloved pets as best we can to ensure they live the happiest healthiest life they can.

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Puppy Proofing the House

So, you’ve decided to get a new puppy!

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Your Pet & Snakes

While snakes will generally avoid you or your pets, curiosity from your dog or cat might get the better of them and they could get bitten.

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The colder weather is well on the way – the sky is grey, the wind is cold and rain is falling.

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